through the use of technologies

Deeptech: The resurgence of breakthrough technological innovations!

The deeptech sector (projects involving a major scientific breakthrough or a breakthrough technological innovation) is becoming the priority of investors. The historical industry of venture capital companies in the 80s and 90s, deeptech lost its glory with the bursting of the telecom bubble in the early 2000s.

These scientific projects have then long experienced the worst difficulties in raising funds and financing themselves, obsolete by the digital boom. For many years, deeptech has been categorized by investors as particularly capital-intensive projects with limited probabilities of success.

A larger playing field

But the situation has changed radically for these actors. It is now entirely possible for an entrepreneur to develop a stunning deeptech project with a very reasonable capital requirement. The field of play is particularly vast: robotics, news space, health with the rise of artificial intelligence, mobility, and new materials.

Lowering barriers to entry

In recent years, the deeptech universe has indeed begun to change under the combined effect of two phenomena. First, barriers to entry have been drastically lowered. Major technological innovations have developed over the years, significantly reducing capital consumption. The large-scale distribution of open source software bricks is now a significant factor in the resurgence of deeptech projects that we see on the market.

Similarly, in the hardware sector, thanks mainly to the mobile technological revolution, many sensors or components have seen their prices collapse. In such a context, deeptech entrepreneurs are now able to produce POC (proof of concept) at a lower cost and in a shorter time. Entrepreneurs, therefore, have the opportunity to build disruptive products or solutions without having to face the dangers of capital consumption from previous deeptech projects. These POCs thus deliver a faster return on investment than before. Customer feedback is also becoming quicker and more frequent, allowing entrepreneurs to develop a product that is closer to market needs.

New entrepreneur profiles

A phenomenon has allowed deeptech projects to enter a new era. In recent years, we have seen a radical change in the very profile of entrepreneurs. Historically, this type of project was carried out by recognized and experienced scientists from major research laboratories. These brilliant scientists, however, embarked on entrepreneurship without any real experience in the business world.

Since then, the game has changed. The scientist-entrepreneurs of yesteryear have gradually transformed into scientific entrepreneurs, now better acquainted with the requirements of the business world and investors. At the same time, we have seen a rejuvenation of entrepreneurs. The latter no longer hesitate, from now on, to launch their deeptech projects after only a few years of work in research laboratories. This rejuvenation has thus fostered the emergence of a pool of scientific entrepreneurs.

3D printing is changing the artistic design

The arrival of 3D technologies in the 1980s opened up a whole world of possibilities, not only for industrial applications but also for more creative developments.

With the opening of some patents and the reduction in the costs of some technologies, artists can make greater use of additive manufacturing technologies in their daily work. But this raised a fundamental question: to what extent can 3D printing be considered as a tool to create Art?

Does technology open up a new perception of the work of art? Can 3D printing in Art break down specific barriers in creation?

The beginnings of 3D printing in Art

After the first decade of 2000, the first art exhibitions showed pieces printed in 3D.

They were initially presented not as works of art, but as a potential for innovation. It was not until 2015 that artists considered these 3D printed pieces as true artistic works. Over the past two years, many have organized exhibitions around this new vision of 3D printing.

The advantages of 3D printing

This new openness to 3D technologies benefits artists in many ways.

For example, they can simplify some of the tasks in their work, such as the Spanish artist Víctor Marín, who makes his sculptures using 3D technologies, but also create new ways of working, such as the designers at Emerging Objects, who have developed small stools by recycling tires.

There are still many examples when we talk about art and this new conception that additive manufacturing technologies bring. Not only do they offer a technical advantage to the majority of artists by accelerating developments or facilitating specific processes, but they are also a technique that will open the way to the exploration of new artistic facets.

The future of 3D printing in art

Today, the relationship between 3D printing and art is already established. From students to experienced artists, they have already started to use 3D technologies creatively. In addition to restoring works of art, 3D technologies have opened a path to artistic exploration.

Because many sectors used additive manufacturing such as medical or construction, Art can go further. It allows artists to explore other fields, starting to learn about bio-impression as Amy Karle does, the introduction of new materials and their relationship with nature, as Neri Oxman does. This generation is a new generation of artists, bio-artists, techno-artists, material explorers, who are seeking to get closer to nature through new technologies and this is only the beginning.

About The Onboard 2 Bluetooth Technology

Onboard 2 Bluetooth scanner

An Onboard 2 Bluetooth, or OBD 2, for short, is a tool that many drivers and mechanics these days cannot do without. Moreover, there’s a good reason for this.

Vehicles are increasingly reliant on computers. Having so many components means that a lot can go wrong. Moreover, without the ability to speak, the mechanic would have to tear apart the whole car to figure out that there’s something wrong with an oxygen sensor, or other smaller, maybe lesser important part.

The ODB 2 Bluetooth changes the math in that situation. It allows for quick navigation of the car’s computer and system to find out what is going wrong. It may even help point to reasons for the trouble.

It’s the Google translate for a vehicle. It allows a car or truck to speak up to let the owner or mechanic know what’s going on with it.

an OBD scanner portWhile it may not seem novel or new to find a device that can “read” a car’s computer, the OBD II is different. It was devised by California California Air Resources Board regulations and later changed and adapted for the Society of Automotive Engineers.

Now people in states where there are annual emissions checks may be somewhat familiar with these computers. The fact that cars from 1996 and newer can undergo the “easy” or “quick” emissions testing is a result of cars being equipped with the OBD II technology starting back in 1996.

The good news is that anyone who wants to perform emissions checks or even stop that annoying oxygen sensor light from coming on can clear the code. Yes, these readers serve double duty. Not only can they check for issues, and report on them, but they can interface with the vehicles as well.

That means that the OBD II reader can help with the pesky issues that are meaningless, but annoying. It can also detect more severe issues. Meanwhile, for more significant issues, the scanning tools provide a great help as well. Neither of these tool types is expensive, and every car has these computers.

That means that it makes sense that most mechanics have these machines on hand. Now the first tool is easy to get because it is much more affordable.

The OBD-II scan tools are more costly though and have features that include great functionality in exchange for the higher asking price on them. Scan tools give a lot more information about the types of codes that are used by various manufacturers. Also, it allows for more in-depth access to data whether it is right now or from prior readings. It is an excellent resource for those who want to keep track of maintenance issues.

In most instances, the scanners also provide the added benefit of giving more detailed information about what’s wrong and how to fix it. That’s just an overview of what these computers can do and why they are indispensable these days. The next time the light comes on, no fear. Get the OBD 2.

How can you maximize your Businesses Efficiency through the use of Technology?

Introducing new technological changes into your business or organization will present a whole different set of challenges towards shepherding that innovation into a routine action to all personnel. The easiest way might be to include all probable users in the research on user needs and their individual preferences and then together find a way to implement the new technology that will be acceptable and workable for all

Difficulties you might come across when Introducing New Technology in the Workplace, and how to solve these Problems.

  1. Resistance to Change: Resistance often grows out of misinformation, possibly overlooked issues or mistakes made through ignorance of the change.  This can mostly be countered by including all personnel involved or influenced by the change, through providing information, sharing knowledge and giving a clear view of what the benefits of the changes will be.
  2. Personal Benefit: New Innovations need to offer an advantage, an obviously clear advantage, over whatever it is intended to replace.  It is of great importance to make clear the potential benefits and apparent rewards.  Also, promote the need to learn new skills in order to increase the value of work and greater recognition.
  3. Gather Information from current work systems: Discuss current problems and difficulties with each department new technology will be implemented.  Find out the times of day systems run, the sequence of work done, the choices that are made by personnel daily and how the changes will affect everyone and the work they are responsible for.  This will enable you to spot probable problem areas and where more training or knowledge will be needed.  Always run a clear and open change campaign to make everyone feel included.

When all is said and done, the new technology changes in your business, company or workplace, will make processes faster, and much easier to ‘file’ and keep information.  Your business can run smoother, more cost effective and less time-consuming.  In other words; “More Efficient”.